Thursday, August 12, 2010

Informacion Fiesta de Navidad Local 78

LIUNA Local 78 2011 Christmas Gala Party
Diciembre 16, 2011
de 9pm a 3am
Terrace on the Park
52-11 111th Street, Corona, NY 11368

Informacion y reglas para los boletos:
  1. Cada miembro solo podra comprar 2 boletos y debera proveer su nombre, numero de libro y el nombre de su acompañante.
  2. El costo de cada boleto es de $25.
  3. Podras adquirilos en la Oficina de Manhattan. Preguntar por Melissa. o atravez de tu Shop Steward.
  4. Para Reservar una mesa (14 personas por mesa) debes de traer el dinero completo ($350 dolares) mas los nombres y numero de libros de al menos 7 miembros y los nombres de sus acompañantes.
  5. Mientras mas rapido compras tus boletos mejores asientos obtendras. 
  6. El cupo es limitado. Evita quedarte fuera comprando tus boletos lo antes posible.
  7. Tendremos Entretenimiento en vivo!
Esta sera una Fiesta de Gala Navideña historica. No te la puedes perder!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Local 78 Christmas Party 2011 Information

LIUNA Local 78 2011 Christmas Gala Party
December 16, 2011
From 9pm to 3am
Terrace on the Park
52-11 111th Street, Corona, NY 11368

Rules and Information
  1. Each member can only buy 2 tickets and must provide his/her name and book #.
  2. The cost of the ticket is $25p/p
  3. You can get it at the Manhattan Office or from your Shop Steward
  4. To reserve a whole table (14 people per table) must bring the total amount  ($350 dollars) plus the names and book # of at least 7 members.
  5. The sooner you get your ticket the better seats you will obtain.
  6. The seats are limited. get your tickets asap.
  7. We will have live entertainment

Friday, March 5, 2010

Fake body discovered as part of funeral union asbestos abatement protest

BY Oren Yaniv
Friday, March 5th 2010, 9:15 AM
A ghoulish union protest in lower Manhattan has gone from bad to corpse.

Some local residents were already upset that a coffin was being used as a prop to rally against a nonunion asbestos abatement firm at 176 Broadway in lower Manhattan. Then they noticed a macabre addition: a fake body inside.

"I'm disgusted by it," said a woman who lives in the building and gave her name as Cathy. "The mannequin is taking it way too far."

She said children were already freaked out by the coffin, which has been sitting there for over a month.

A union organizer said Thursday that the "body," wearing a hardhat and gas mask, had been in the box all along, but was revealed only Wednesday after the weather improved.

Asbestos, Lead & Hazardous Waste Laborers' Local 78 is using the display to protest the use of Landmark Consultants, a contractor they accuse of disregarding workers. Landmark's owner could not be reached for comment.

Gary Epstein, 50, a UPS worker, liked the idea, comparing the shock tactic to anti-smoking campaigns.

"Asbestos kills people and they should remove it the right way," he said. "It makes you think."

Read more:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Local 78 places casket on Broadway in protest of asbestos abatement by non-union firm

BY Celeste Katz
Sunday, February 14th 2010, 4:00 AM
It's a union protest so creepy that residents are having trouble resting in peace.

Workers rallying against the use of a non-union firm for asbestos abatement put a shiny brown coffin outside of 176 Broadway. It's been sitting there every day since Feb. 2.

"I called the police," said Milda De Voe, 41, a mother of two who has lived in the lower Manhattan building since 2001. "My 7-year-old son wants to know why they think we're going to die."

Maintenance worker Eric Soto says the coffin is so disturbing, he'd much rather have the union bring out the "giant rat" balloon often used at protests.

David Vila of Asbestos, Lead & Hazardous Waste Laborers' Local 78 said the coffin should remind onlookers of the workers' need to feed their families.

The union has three caskets that it has used in protests in New York, New Jersey and Long Island over the last few years, said Eli Kent, Local 78's director of organization.

Kent said the casket makes an important statement: that non-union workers often lack the benefits and protections that organized labor gets. It's also about safety.

"The point of this is to draw attention to the fact that asbestos kills," Kent said. "If some people get uncomfortable, [but] we can save people's lives, we think that's worth it."

Andrew Gasparro of the Landmark Consultants Corp., the Brooklyn firm doing the asbestos abatement, said the union criticisms are weak.

"It's extremely misleading," Gasparro said. "We're providing good service [and] good employment. We are working [with the Department of Environmental Protection], and to have [a] coffin outside is very distasteful."

Read more:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Local 78 Members at Picket Line PICTURES

Local 78 Members at the Picket Line against LandMark Consultants at 62 Imlay Street, Brooklyn.

Local 78 Members at Picket Line VIDEO